The Great Loop
Join us as we travel a 7,000 mile loop around an island called the East Coast of the United States. If all goes as planned, we’ll also squeeze in some juicy parts of Canada.
I’ve been in over my head a lot during our Great Loop travels, but it feels even scarier when there is no solution in sight.
The Great Lakes make up 20% of the fresh water on the planet and feel like one big ocean. Join us on Star Dust as she makes her way across, up, down and through the Great Lakes traveling the Great Loop.
It’s easy to get complacent anchoring and motoring through the stunning beauty in peaceful waters. But as one Michigan sailor advised us: Be Ready for Anything!
Inland waterways of Georgia are so beautiful I could not figure out why we skipped it and traveled up the Gulf Stream 20 years ago on our sailing voyage. It only took one day of boating in Georgia to remember why.
Click on the link to find out more!
And it happens fast…One minute everything is going fine on the boat and the next minute becomes a horror movie. There are many lessons I learned from the wreck we saw in Jekyll Island, even though our 36 foot boat is a bath toy compared to the 660 foot capsized car carrier off the beach.
Meeting boaters on the Great Loop we are sure to run across again over the 7,000 miles ahead, makes me think about the way people come in and out of our lives. As well as the importance of keeping real friendships alive. Here’s a story that might prompt you to reach out to people who matter, but have been off your radar.
The inland waterways of Georgia and South Carolina with extreme 9 foot tides and 4 knots of current have held plenty of lessons for Glen and me. But there have also been important lessons of another kind.
Three decades after the Beach Boys wrote the catchy, relaxing lyrics, people are still searching for Kokomo.
Engineers scoffed. Friends thought he had lost his mind. But there must have been strong inner forces driving Henry Flagler because undeterred, he put his massive fortune to work.
Finding your perfect boat has never been easy. During the pandemic, it’s even harder to kick the proverbial tires.
Arteries of the earth, swift rivers are taking Star Dust and crew on to a new phase of life. No going back, as wonderful as it has been.