Adventure Travel
Amel builds such a great boat that we had three couples standing on the dock vying to buy “It’s Enough” when we decided to sell her and try living in the mountains. We still miss our Super Maramu—she was a great boat. We had taken care of each other, and she was still shiny and ready to go around the world again. Nonetheless, our adventures continued, and you can read about how we are still seeking authentic, through-the-back-door kinds of experiences all over the world.
Arteries of the earth, swift rivers are taking Star Dust and crew on to a new phase of life. No going back, as wonderful as it has been.
Inland waterways of Georgia are so beautiful I could not figure out why we skipped it and traveled up the Gulf Stream 20 years ago on our sailing voyage. It only took one day of boating in Georgia to remember why.
Click on the link to find out more!
Meeting boaters on the Great Loop we are sure to run across again over the 7,000 miles ahead, makes me think about the way people come in and out of our lives. As well as the importance of keeping real friendships alive. Here’s a story that might prompt you to reach out to people who matter, but have been off your radar.
That bear would cause mayhem if it broke through the flimsy fence wires, but better to lose the bees than risk Glen getting between a hungry beast and his midnight snack.
The Spanish Colonial heritage of Oaxaca Mexico serves as a stunning backdrop for Guelaguetza, the celebration of all things indigenous. An entire week of dances, costumes and foods celebrate their ancient Zapotec past
Beekeeping is no instant gratification hobby and figuratively speaking, beekeepers are a dying breed.
Sweden won my heart when I looked out the window of the train and saw an ad for a floor cleaning product that featured a man with a mop and bucket.
Lazy rivers, working windmills and fields of flowers had so far marked our journey from Amsterdam as we pedaled our way to Bruges, Belgium.
“There, did you see that?” Ben Kittell, our fly fishing guide on the Lower Deshutes River pointed a few feet from where I balanced in the current. He whispered, “A fish just broke the surface”.
if you have to say goodbye to something wonderful and start a new phase of adventures, Bali, Indonesia is a good place to start.
“Aye, that’s a tricky period for finding your Ancestors.” A nice way of saying that the hours of online research to find John Jamieson, my Scottish ancestor, were for nothing. Birth records in Edinburgh showed I had the wrong guy.
Back from Nepal with only 4 days to prepare for this trip of a lifetime; a rafting trip on the Colorado River through Cataract Canyon.
we considered ourselves part of the first wave of what will become a flood of American tourism as things improve between America and Cuba.
Months ago, friends suggested I volunteer to ride as “sweep” for the 36 mile rocky, winding, singletrack Mountain Bike Tour of the White Mountains in our town of Pinetop, Arizona.
Costa Rica has plenty of less-traveled rural towns where you will never hear English spoken and the adrenaline rush comes from the intense, mind blowing beauty of nature.
During an Arribada, in a single night anywhere from thousands to hundreds of thousands of sea turtles march heavily up the beach at high tide to conduct what can only be described as a mass nesting.
I can light a campfire, pitch a tent, and in bear country know better than to sleep with my chocolate chip cookies next to my head.
Glen and I walked off the overnight ferry from Helsinki rolling our luggage and studying the map of St Petersburg, Russia.
Glen is a dowser, a finder of subterranean water and perhaps things like buried minerals or oil were he to set his mind to it.
Everything is gained in the translation