Land Diving in Vanuatu
Leap of Faith
A man’s entire wardrobe might consist of a banana leaf woven into a namba, or penis sheath.
Despite New Zealand’s claim that a Kiwi named A. J. Hackett invented bungee jumping, the risky pastime was invented decades ago in Vanuatu. Without the aid of sissy stuff like bungee cords and harnesses, natives on Pentecost Island build a 100 foot tall tower, tie liana vines to their ankles and take the plunge. Called land diving, jumpers leap from a naghol, or tower, constructed of bamboo and branches, held together by vines and a promise.
Read more about this and other adventures Glen and I experienced while sailing to remote islands in Vanuatu in Crossing Pirate Waters, the sequel to Escape from the Ordinary.
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